Use "did his homework|do his homework" in a sentence

1. 17 Did you do your homework?

2. 7 Tom is greedy to do his homework.

3. 21 Tom is greedy to do his homework.

4. with his homework until his sister helped him.

5. I aided him in his homework.

6. He always muddled with his homework.

7. Bobby finished his homework under his own steam.

8. 1 with his homework until his sister helped him.

9. She's been helping Rick with his homework.

10. I did all my homework, but my sister didn't do hers.

11. 28 I aided him in his homework.

12. 18 Did you finish your homework?

13. He was castigated for his carelessness in doing homework.

14. Did I hear the dreaded word 'homework'?

15. I wish Bill get around to starting his homework.

16. Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight.

17. 23 The teacher praised Tom for his homework.

18. He often rolled his eyes about when he was doing his homework.

19. 29 Do your homework now.

20. 7 Fred stuck with his homework until it was done.

21. He's been beavering away at his homework for hours.

22. As a teenager, do you schedule your homework around the meetings or the meetings around your homework?

23. 30 He often rolled his eyes about when he was doing his homework.

24. He played too much the daytime and must burn the midnight oil to do his homework.

25. He was sitting at the same table, doing his math homework.

26. The Bramblier Jermaine homework hot page demagnetise, his soothing peep barbes crescendo

27. None of your Backchat, do your homework! 5

28. I suppose you have homework to do?

29. Bill was often called down by his teacher for doing homework carelessly.

30. Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework.

31. Stop all this fuss and do your homework.

32. Are you going to do your homework before dinner?

33. I have five problems to do for homework.

34. My son does his homework harum-scarum, and that is why his schoolwork is so poor.

35. He's sitting in his bedroom snivelling because he was told off for not doing his homework.

36. I've got some homework to do on the Industrial Revolution.

37. Homework are numerous, thick - Fu Liang , and did not become bookworm.

38. It's the dumb kid, the troublemaker, the one who never does his homework.

39. I shined my shoes, pressed my pants, did my homework.

40. Please don't disturb Georgina - she's trying to do her homework.

41. 13 She's supposed to do an hour's homework every evening.

42. She's supposed to do an hour's homework every evening.

43. He took a busman's holiday last Sunday to catch up with his homework.

44. I cant do my homework and I cant look straight.

45. Grade Six Wisdom Homework Help.

46. Stop dawdling away your homework.

47. Turn in your homework, please.

48. With so much homework to do, her playtime is now very limited.

49. It is a child who can't resolve his homework, because he doesn't have access to information.

50. You can do anything on condition that you can finish the homework.

51. Example: the infatuated mug that stuck to his blotchy hand when he started with homework.

52. You'd better start on your homework.

53. CK 1 2951498 Although Tom is sick, he plans to get his homework done on time

54. Get on with your homework!

55. When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.

56. I'm sorry Gail, but Amber has to stay home and do her homework.

57. 2 After you finish your homework.

58. Haven't you finished your homework yet?

59. 4 Example: the infatuated mug that stuck to his blotchy hand when he started with homework.

60. She became uncooperative: unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores.

61. Get help with your Circulatory system homework

62. Some schools fail to set any homework.

63. 10 Haven't you finished your homework yet?

64. Your homework is a disgrace: rewrite it!

65. The kids are busy with their homework.

66. 6 Kate's busy with her homework.

67. The homework is on the blackboard.

68. The father immediately gets angry, thinking back to the many times the boy put off doing his homework.

69. Fed Up Boy Doing Homework In Kitchen

70. please hand your homework in at once.

71. The students demur to too much homework.

72. Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates. Questions on Homework

73. 26 Have you finished your homework yet?

74. 12 Have you done all your homework?

75. 4 Turn in your homework, please.

76. I got A minus for my English homework.

77. When writing your homework, remember that neatness counts.

78. 14 Read Chapter 11 as your homework.

79. Hand a hard copy of the homework.

80. Please copy the homework from the blackboard.